Learning Arabic Alphabets (Complete Guide)

This page is intended to complete beginners in Arabic.


By the end of reading this page, the students will develop a basic understanding of the Arabic alphabets. Therefore, they can read and write anything in Arabic within six lessons.

Learning Outcomes:

The learning outcome of this page is to make you confident with reading and writing any text using Arabic alphabets. So, by the end of these lessons, the students who succeeded will be able to encode and decode any text in Arabic.


Videos, written exercises

What is required from you?

It is required from the students to follow the steps mentioned below, watch the videos (more than once  for complete understanding), doing the follow-up exercises and check your answers with the ones provided.

Step 1:

To familiarize your self with the shapes and sounds of the Arabic alphabets, study the following chart and then watch the video (Arabic Alphabet Song).

Notable Features:

  • Number of letters: 28
  • Direction of writing: words are written in horizontal lines from right to left.
  • Most letters change form depending on whether they appear at the beginning, middle or end of a word, or on their own. (will be explained in depth in the coming videos).
  • Each letter has three different pronunciations based on the short vowel accompanying the letter. (Will be explained in the coming videos)
  • You can download a complete chart from here (Download).


B   =           Ba    Bo   Be

Step 2: Learning the FIRST set of letters (ب ت ث ن ي)

Note: you can always go back to the chart to check which letters you will be studying in each video.

So, this lesson is the first Lesson of a 6 series lessons about the Arabic Alphabets. Please watch the video as many times as you want.

After feeling confident that you are familiar with this set,please do the exercises, then check your answers.

Exercises                                                                                                       Answers

Step 3: Learning the SECOND set of letters ( د ذ ر ز ا و)

Note: you can always go back to the chart to check which letters you will be studying in each video.

So, this lesson is the first Lesson of a 6 series lessons about the Arabic Alphabets. Please watch the video as many times as you want.

After feeling confident that you are familiar with this set,

please do the exercises, then check your answers.

Exercises                                                                                                  Answers

Step 4: Learning the THIRD set of letters (ج ح خ هـ م)

Note: you can always go back to the chart to check which letters you will be studying in each video.

So, this lesson is the first Lesson of a 6 series lessons about the Arabic Alphabets. Please watch the video as many times as you want.

After feeling confident that you are familiar with this set,

please do the exercises, then check your answers.

Exercises                                                                                                             Answers

Step 5: Learning the FOURTH set of letters (س ش ص ض)

Note: you can always go back to the chart to check which letters you will be studying in each video.

So, this lesson is the first Lesson of a 6 series lessons about the Arabic Alphabets. Please watch the video as many times as you want.

After feeling confident that you are familiar with this set,

please do the exercises, then check your answers.

Exercises                                                                                                   Answers

Step 6: Learning the FIFTH set of letters (ف ق ك ل)

Note: you can always go back to the chart to check which letters you will be studying in each video.

So, this lesson is the first Lesson of a 6 series lessons about the Arabic Alphabets. Please watch the video as many times as you want.

After feeling confident that you are familiar with this set,

please do the exercises, then check your answers.

Exercise                                                                                                          Answers

Step 7: Learning the SIXTH set of letters (ط ظ ع غ)

Note: you can always go back to the chart to check which letters you will be studying in each video.

So, this lesson is the first Lesson of a 6 series lessons about the Arabic Alphabets. Please watch the video as many times as you want.

After feeling confident that you are familiar with this set,

please do the exercises, then check your answers.

Exercises                                                                                          Answers